Elementary Cross Country update. Just a heads up for parents there is a chance of rain for tomorrow's cross country meet at Ava. As of now the meet is still on for tomorrow but just wanted to let parents know that if it is raining tomorrow the meet will be canceled. We will post in the morning if the meet is canceled or not!
Also, we will have the students shirts for them in the morning. They are red!!

Dora FFA is attending the Area 13 Leadership Conference today

JAG students recording next week's events for Falcon News

Mr. Simpson’s forensics class spent time practicing their observation skills to try and solve what happened to Mrs. Martin. Spoiler alert, she’s fine, but the detectives drew some wild conclusions.

Athletic schedule 9/18-9/23
9/18 Volleyball @ Thayer 5:30 start V/JV.
9/19 Baseball vs Gainesville 4:30 V/JV, Volleyball vs Seymour 5:00 start V/JV, Jr. High @ Couch.. Couch cannot start until 5:30!! 1/2 B girls, A girls, A boys.
9/20 Elem. Cross Country @ Ava 10:00 (Race times are in the photo), High School Cross Country @ Van Buren 4:30.
9/21 Jr High @ Kosh 5:00 A Girls, A boys, Volleyball vs Couch 6:00 V/JV

The baseball game for today 9/12 has been cancelled due to field conditions.
We have added a Jr high game for Thursday 9/14 @ Fordland. 5:00 start 1/2 B girls, A girls, 1/2 B boys, A girls.

Dora Athletic Schedule for 9/11-9/16 9/11 Jr high basketball @ Gainesville 5:00 start bus leaves at 3:45 Game order 1/2 B girls, 1/2 B boys, A girls, A boys. 9/11 Volleyball at Fordland 5:30 start. Jv then Varsity. 9/12 Baseball vs Norwood 4:30 start Varsity then Jv. 9/13 Cross Country at Alton 4:30 start. 9/14 Baseball vs Kosh. 4:30 start Varsity then JV. 9/14 Jr High @ Fordland. 5:00 1/2 B girls, A girls, 1/2 B boys, A boys. 9/15 Cross Country at Gainesville 4:30 start. (High school only, No Elementary) 9/15 Baseball vs Bakersfield 4:30 Varsity then JV.

Dual Credit students:

Athletic schedule for 8/28/23-9/2/23! 8/29 Volleyball vs Ava 6:30 Varsity only. 8/29 Baseball @ Gainesville 4:30. 8/31 Volleyball vs Gainesville 6:00 JV/Varsity 9/1 Baseball vs Van Buren 4:30. 9/2 Cross Country @ Bolivar.

Today is the LAST Day to order your Lady Falcon Volleyball Gear. The link is provided below. Select "Coach Delivery" at check out and one our volleyball girls will get you your gear! https://www.5dscreenprinting.com/

Baseball update for Conway tournament. Due to extreme heat on Friday Aug. 25. Conway has chosen to move the games originally scheduled for Friday to Saturday. Dora will play on Saturday 8/26 at Hartville at 9:00 am and 11:00 am.

Here is the schedule for the Conway fall baseball tournament on Aug. 25-26th.
Conway Fall Baseball Classic 2023
Friday August 25th 2023
@ Conway High School Pool A
Game 1 Conway vs Crocker 1pm
Game 2 Crocker vs Dixon 3pm
Game 3 Conway vs Dixon 5pm
@ Hartville High School Pool B
Game 1 Hartville vs Dora 1pm
Game 2 Dora vs Gainesville 3pm
Game 3 Hartville vs Gainesville 5pm
Saturday August 26th 2023
@ Conway High School
5th Place Game
Pool B 3rd Place vs Pool A 3rd Place 10am
3rd Place Game
Pool B 2nd Place vs Pool A 2nd Place 12pm
Championship Game
Pool B 1st Place vs Pool A 1st Place 2pm

JH girls basketball will start practice on August 15th. We will practice the 15th, 16th, and 17th from 12:00-1:30.

Update for high school baseball! Practice will begin August 7th 3:00-4:30!

Reminder: The scheduling days planned for August 9th and 10th with Mrs. Menz are for current high school students only.
If you will be joining the district for the first time in 2023-2024, please keep an eye out for our New Student Registration dates to be shared soon!

COED Volleyball Tournament Today! If You find yourself needing something to do Come out and watch some competitive coEd volleyball!
Admission is Free! All Concession proceeds support our Lady Falcon Volleyball Progam!
* a chance to see Coach Perkins play too!

Registration is now open for all 2023-2024 National ACT test dates! Save your seat for an upcoming test now: https://bit.ly/3pw4zbj

Here is the baseball and Jr. High basketball practice schedule for this fall.
August 14, Until school starts:
Baseball 8:30-10:00
Jr. High Basketball
Reminder if you have not got a physical this year and you did not get one last year you need to have a physical before practices starts. This includes High school and Jr. High. Physicals can be turned into your coach, the office, or Coach Fox.

Falcons, are you looking to get ahead this summer? Register for the July 15 ACT to get scores that can be used for scholarships, college admissions, class placement, and more: https://bit.ly/42vmJXQ

Sports banquet will be held Thursday at 6:00 in the cafeteria. We will be having barbecue. I am asking for parents to please bring a dessert. It is not required. Thank you and see you all there!